Men-Friends,Happy Thanksgiving and I've got GOOD NEWS for you! I just came from a recent (business) trip in Israel......the GAYS there are HOT! But the greatest discovery I made was "St. Paul was GAY !" from a book I read on the plane, Sins of Scripture, by Bishop John Shelby Spong (imagine a Catholic reading a Protestant book on his "pilgrimage" to the Holy Land! No, I wasn't reading Benedict XVI's books, too depressing and fallible) Bishop Spong has a very long section on "the Bible and Homosexuality" and he proves through his own words in Scripture that St. Paul was GAY. I copy some paragraphs last and after all, the GREATEST GAY on our side is St. Paul! EVERYDAY the Catholic Church and the Protestants read his Epistles in their Mass. St. Paul, the most quoted writer in the Bible is GAY!
Christ said: "Seek and ye shall find". Here I am seeking for 10 GAY (ex)Jesuits and G_d gave me St. Paul instead in my quest. The top 10 GAY Jesuits will eventually appear, I've received emails but these Jesuits are not ready to come out yet and I respect that...all in due time. So, I'll start with St. Paul as the LEADER of GAYS in the Roman CATHOLIC Church! There are more chances that Benedict XVI will listen to me or US GAYS if we speak about St. Paul than the GAY-Jesuits for now.
Benedict XVI, who lives with his GAY Private Secretary, when they say Mass together and read the Epistles of St. Paul everyday should reflect on what Bishop Spong has to say.
To succeed in our cause to have same-sex marriage in New York and in the USA, we need to influence and change the mindset of religious leaders like Benedict XVI and the Protestant pastors - because the politicians who can vote and implement same-sex marriage, including George Bush, will always be influenced by the Pope and their pastors and their "fundamental" religious beliefs.
The Bible and Homosexuality
In Romans Paul described his inner struggle: "I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members" (7:23) Paul's experience was that he followed one law with his mind, another with his body. This sin that he feels "dwells in my members" caused him to proclaim that "nothing good dwells within me, that is my flesh." He went on to say, "I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do." He concludes this interior lament by saying, "Wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death?" It was a plaintive cry reflecting a longstanding memory. That plea ultimately fades into an acclamation when he asserts that he has been given victory over the affliction. "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, he says (Rom. 7:18-19, 24-25). Paul culminates this section by stating that he is now persuaded that nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (8:39), not even our "nakedness," He adds in a revealing choice of words in verse 35. It is a remarkable portrait of a remarkable man. Perhaps what is even more unusual is that the words of Paul are still quoted today to condemn the homosexuality that Paul surely knew was his own hidden secret.
Yes, I am convinced that Paul of Tarsus was a gay man, deeply repressed, self-loathing, rigid in denial, bound by the law that he hoped could keep this thing, that he judged to be so unacceptable, totally under control, a control so profound that even Paul did not have to face this fact about himself. But repression kills. It kills the repressed one and sometimes the defensive anger found in the repressed one also kills those who challenge, threaten or live out the thing that this repressed person so deeply fears.
Much of the persecution of gay and lesbian people both within the church and in the broader society has been carried out by self-rejecting deeply closeted homosexual people. Frequently homophobic but homosexual clergy and bishops, together with their most loyal lay followers, have wrapped their externalized rage, their rejecting and sometimes killing fury, inside the security of some authoritative system. They quote either a hierarchy that claims infallibility or a sacred source from scripture that people have said is inerrant. That is how fanaticism works. That is certainly what is revealed in the Pauline tirade recorded in Romans 1 - a frightened gay man condemning other gay people so that he can keep his own homosexuality inside the rigid discipline of his faith. (Pages 139-140 Bold emphasis mine)
Today is the anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The person who sat beside me in the plane to Israel told me that there is a book about one of JFK's best and lifelong friends who was always with him wherever he went...was GAY. The book tried to prove that JFK too was GAY...(Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O must be turning in their graves) next time will quote from the book and post it here!
Happy Thanksgiving, men-friends!
You've got a friend, Charles
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Benedict's GAY Secretary - German Georg
Benedict XVI-God's Rottweiler - PROTEST Benedict XVI visit in New York April 2008
Papal clone of John Paul II
Thursday, November 22, 2007
St. Paul was GAY!!!!!! He's one of us!
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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