My GAY friends in England suggest I post this 2006 news when Benedict XVI, the worst opponent to GAY marriage, went to Spain and chewed on GAYS. What the pope refuses to see is that the people in Spain are for GAY marriage.
'God's Rottweiler' Chews At Gay Marriage
Pope Benedict XVI lived up to his ‘Rottweiler’ nickname this weekend when he chewed into gay marraige and Spain’s Socialist government. Like the infamous dog breed he’s been equated with, Pope Benedict indicated that having sunk his teeth into Spain’s newfound secularism, he’s not about to loosen the bite.
Benedict was on a whistle-stop tour, that saw him in Valencia for 26 hours to conclude a Vatican fuelled gathering on family issues. He savaged gay marriage before even getting off his papal plane from Rome. Questioned on the role of gay marriage in society, the pope told reporters: "According to human nature, it is man and woman who are made for each other and to give humanity a future."
Critics have been swift to point out that an old man who’s experienced neither relationships, nor much life outside the church is unlikely to be the most qualified advisor on the subject of love and marriage. Regardless of this screaming anomaly, nearly 1.5m devotees turned out to hear his erroneous diatribe.
"The family is a unique institution in God's plan, and the church cannot fail to proclaim and promote its fundamental importance," Benedict said on his arrival.
As he arrived for his speedy pitstop, the Pope was greeted at the airport by King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
Since his appointment in March 2004, Zapatero has completely liberalized Spain from its Catholic shackles and successfully steered the country into a secular fast lane.
The Pope’s visit comes a year after the Spanish government legalised gay marriage, sparking a sour dispute with Spain's Catholic bishops and the Vatican.
Another slap to the Vatican’s tenacious face, has been an easing of restrictions on both abortion and divorce, coupled with the rejection of plans by a previous, conservative government to make religion classes mandatory in public schools.
Spain was the first European country to allow gay marriage and the freedom for couples to adopt children.
The head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council on the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, denounced the legislation as profoundly iniquitous. If that has you reaching for the dictionary, don’t bother, it means ‘wicked’ and unfair.
The Pope and Zapatero met on Sunday evening, but it’s likely to have been deaf ears and cold shoulders all round. Much to the Vatican’s chagrin, Mr Zapatero didn’t attend Sunday's papal mass. [Gay-com-uk]
Monday, February 25, 2008
God's Rottweiler chews GAYS in Spain
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Obama GAY sex? (YouTube)
Hillary-Obama parody
Convicted Iraqi Billionaire Gave Obama Millions
Barack Obama’s “squeaky clean” reputation is once again being tarnished by shady entrepreneurs who have supported him financially, this time a convicted Iraqi billionaire who funneled millions to the Illinois senator in 2005.
A British newspaper has published a lengthy story on the scandal, which connects the Democratic presidential candidate and his indicted longtime Syrian financial supporter (currently on trial for corruption) with one of Britain’s richest people, a criminal Iraqi guru named Nadhmi Auchi.
It turns out that Auchi, convicted in Europe for operating a massive kickback scheme, gave Obama $3.5 million just weeks before the senator purchased a pricey mansion in an exclusive Chicago neighborhood. Auchi funneled the money to Obama through the senator’s friend and campaign bankroller, Antoin Rezko, the Syrian businessman charged with influence peddling, extortion and conspiracy.
A loyal Obama supporter for years, Rezko is on trial for plotting to squeeze millions of dollars in kickbacks out of firms seeking state business. He had been free on bail since being indicted last year, but was subsequently arrested and ordered to remain in jail after receiving a multi million-dollar wire from Beirut that led authorities to think he planned to flee to the Middle East.
It was Rezko who introduced Obama to Auchi, convicted in France in 2003 for operating what has been described as the biggest political and corporate scandal in post-war Europe. The legal problems didn’t deter Obma from taking Auchi’s money nor have they affected his empire. Auchi is reportedly among Britain’s wealthiest men and one of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes Magazine.
From The TimesFebruary 26, 2008
Mansion 'mistake' piles the pressure on Barack Obama
A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender, an investigation by The Times discloses.
The money transfer raises the question of whether funds from Nadhmi Auchi, one of Britain’s wealthiest men, helped Mr Obama buy his mock Georgian mansion in Chicago.
A company related to Mr Auchi, who has a conviction for corruption in France, registered the loan to Mr Obama's bagman Antoin "Tony" Rezko on May 23 2005. Mr Auchi says the loan, through the Panamanian company Fintrade Services SA, was for $3.5 million.
Three weeks later, Mr Obama bought a house on the city's South Side while Mr Rezko's wife bought the garden plot next door from the same seller on the same day, June 15.
Mr Obama says he never used Mrs Rezko's still-empty lot, which could only be accessed through his property. But he admits he paid his gardener to mow the lawn.
Mrs Rezko, whose husband was widely known to be under investigation at the time, went on to sell a 10-foot strip of her property to Mr Obama seven months later so he could enjoy a bigger garden.
Mr Obama now admits his involvement in this land deal was a “boneheaded mistake”.
Mrs Rezko’s purchase and sale of the land to Mr Obama raises many unanswered questions.
It is unclear how Mrs Rezko could have afforded the downpayment of $125,000 and a $500,000 mortgage for the original $625,000 purchase of the garden plot at 5050 South Greenwood Ave.
In a sworn statement a year later, Mrs Rezko said she got by on a salary of $37,000 and had $35,000 assets. Mr Rezko told a court he had "no income, negative cash flow, no liquid assets, no unencumbered assets [and] is significantly in arrears on many of his obligations."
Mrs Rezko, whose husband goes on trial on unrelated corruption charges in Chicago on March 3, refused to answer questions about the case when she spoke by telephone to The Times.
Asked if she used money from her husband to buy the land next to Mr Obama's house, she said: "I can't answer these questions, I'm sorry."
Asked how long she and her husband had known Mr Auchi, she replied: "I will not be able to answer this question."
Mr Auchi's lawyer, asked whether the Fintrade Services loan was used to buy the land which became Mr Obama's garden, stated: "No, not as far as my client is aware."
Mr Auchi's links with Mr Rezko are a new political headache for Mr Obama, the charismatic Illinois senator vying to become America’s first African-American president.
Hillary Clinton has sought to make Mr Rezko, who has bankrolled Mr Obama's political career since his first run for the Illinois state senate in the mid-1990s, into an election issue by calling him a "slum landlord" in a televised debate. She has repeatedly suggested that Mr Obama has effectively not been "vetted" by media scrutiny and will not withstand "the Republican attack machine".
Bill Burton, a spokesman for Mr Obama, told The Times: “The bottom line is Obama does not recall ever meeting him [Mr Auchi].”
The house-and-garden deal raised questions about whether Mr Rezko, a property developer and fast-food restauranteur, made it possible for the Obamas to purchase a mansion they could otherwise not afford.
Mrs Rezko paid the asking price for the garden but the Obamas bought the house for $1.65 million, - $300,000 less than the asking price. The sellers deny they offered the Obamas a discount on the house because the garden had fetched full price from Mrs Rezko.
Mr Rezko has since been indicted for allegedly scheming to pressure companies seeking business with the state of Illinois for kickbacks and contributions to the governor Rod Blagojevich's campaign. He goes on trial on March 3.
A prosecution document filed last month alleged that a "political candidate" - identified by the Chicago Sun-Times as Mr Obama - received a $10,000 campaign contribution from what is said to be a $250,000 kickback in the corruption case. That means Mr Obama's name could figure in Mr Rezko's trial, although he is not accused of any wrongdoing.
Mr Obama insists he never used his office to do favours for Mr Rezko but admits that, as an Illinois state senator, he once wrote letters to housing officials urging them to provide money in support of a proposed apartment building for elderly people which Mr Rezko wanted to build.
Mr Obama has publicly sought to atone for his closeness to Mr Rezko, paying $150,000 to charity to distance himself from a man accused of political corruption.
The spotlight fell on Mr Rezko's ties to Mr Auchi last month when the Chicago businessman was thrown in jail for violating his bail terms by failing to declare a different $3.5 million loan from the British billionaire, made in April 2007. Prosecutors feared Mr Rezko, who travels widely in the Middle East, might flee to a country without an extradition treaty such as his birthplace of Syria.
Mr Auchi was convicted of corruption, given a suspended sentence and fined £1.4 million in France in 2003 for his part in the Elf affair, described as the biggest political and corporate scandal in post-war Europe. He, in a statement from his media lawyers, claims he is appealing against the sentence.
Mr Auchi founded his Luxembourg-based General Mediterranean Holding (GMH) in 1979, a year before he left Iraq. He says that he did business with his native country when it was considered a friend of the West but ceased to trade with the late Saddam Hussein's regime once sanctions were imposed after the invasion of Kuwait.
Mr Rezko has told a court that Mr Auchi is a "close friend." Mr Auchi's lawyer told The Times: "It is untrue that my client and Mr Rezko are 'close friends'. Mr Auchi first met Mr Rezko after the 2003 Iraq war and they have a business relationship."
Mr Rezko and Mr Auchi have been partners in a pizzeria business in the Mid-West and a major 62-acre land development in Riverside Park in Chicago.
According to court documents, Mr Rezko's lawyer said his client had "longstanding indebtedness" to Mr Auchi's GMH. By June 2007 he owed it $27.9 million.
Under a Loan Forgiveness Agreement described in court, Mr Auchi lent Mr Rezko $3.5 million in April 2005 and $11 million in September 2005, as well as the $3.5 million transferred in April 2007.
That agreement provided for the outstanding loans to be "forgiven" in return for a stake in the 62-acre Riverside Park development.
A posting last week on a GMH-owned website,, portrayed Mr Auchi as a Middle Eastern "Donald Trump" with a global business construction empire.
Mr Auchi visited the United States in 2004. Pictures show him meeting Emil Jones, the president of the Illinois state senate, an ally of Mr Obama, a former state senator.
Both Mr Auchi and Mr Obama say they have no memory of meeting each other. But, according to a source, the two may have had a brief encounter at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago where Mr Auchi’s visit was being honoured with a dinner attended by the Governor when Mr Obama, coincidentally in the hotel, dropped in.
An aide to Mr Obama said he did attend an event at the Four Seasons at which Mr Rezko was present but does not remember meeting Mr Auchi. "He shook a lot of hands and met a lot of people," the aide said. "We do not remember individual people."
Prosecutors say that, after Mr Auchi was unable to enter the United States in 2005, Mr Rezko approached the US State Department to get him a visa and apparently asked "certain Illinois government officials to do the same." Mr Obama denies he was approached. Mr Auchi's lawyer has emphasised to The Times that it would be entirely false to imply that money had been lent by GMH to Mr Rezko in return for Mr Rezko seeking to assist Mr Auchi to obtain a visa. The two men's relationship, the lawyer stressed, was a busines s one.
Mr Auchi's lawyer said the purpose of the Fintrade Services loan was to "assist the financial position" of a pizzeria company called AR Pizza, in which GMH held a shareholding. He said the loan had since been repaid in the form of a greater stake in the Chicago 62-acre land project.
AR Pizza has since become a defendant in a civil lawsuit by the Papa John's pizzeria chain, which alleges that it continued to operate a string of former Papa John's franchises under the name "Papa Tony's" without permission.
Mr Auchi's lawyer said: "My client played no part in the management and/or day to day running of AR Pizza, the GMH Group being an entirely passive investor in the company. Further, there was no need as a mimimum return on the investment was guaranteed. As to the court proceedings, my client is not a party to these. He denies any wrongdoing in relation to his involvement in AR Pizza."
Mr Rezko was also a major fundraiser for Governor Blagojevich. The governor's chief fundraiser Christopher Kelly, who also served as his gambling adviser, is fighting tax charges related to betting losses. The Associated Press reported that last month Mr Auchi's conglomerate also gave a loan to Mr Kelly secured on a Nevada land deal which the governor’s bagman was involved in.
Have your say
Beware American citizens! Vote on policy and the political stance - don't be swayed too much by the spin or you'll regret it, look at what "New Labour" have done in the UK over the past 10 years or so...
Flagging banking, an insecure and scary place to live, a war on "terror" that saps our finances that we can't and will not win, rising living costs, failing health services and schools and an infrastructure under increasing strain from their liberal/haphazard approach to immigration...
ChasNDave, Brampton, Cumbria, UK
Obama, Freemason, Related
To Both Bush, Cheney
February 13, 2008
by Leo Zagami
Obama outlines his ambitious geopolitical plans in a
recent essay for Foreign Affairs magazine. Foreign
Affairs is published by the Council on
ForeignRelations, which describes itself as a
non-partisan group of which he is a member. Established
in the 1920's and headquartered in New York, its membership includes prominent politicians
and business elite, including heads of academia and media. The
organization seeks to centralize both political power and market power to
craft legislation outside the checks and balances of
The CFR is rarely mentioned by the mainstream media...
Obama is also a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason
loyal to the Craft and devoted to his principles so
forget about the "changes" and start thinking about the same
old , same old , coming once again into power.
Obama is illuminati aristocracy. his appearence from
'nowhere', and subsequent rocket to the front of the
political line are no coincidence. Believe it or
not, Barack Obama is related to both President Bush
and Vice President Dick Cheney as you can check here:
So the possible scenario is that Hillary might become
the Vice President of Obama at the end of this
political show , but in any case let's enjoy what the
American call Democracy a good show in the hands of
the usual suspects , and remember America the Pope is
coming with His Blessings this spring..ha..ha....and
make sure Brother Obama doesnt miss his Zionist masonic
meetings as he would love to be the main actor in the
reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.
Maybe the next Anti-Christ to hit the US presidential
scene will be darker then some people have expected.
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How QUEER is Bush?
Not Holier Than Thou
Homosexuality & Corruption in US Politics
George Bush and Karl Rove have always used homosexuality as a weapon, have righteously opposed it and have routinely accused people of it, knowing that those people were normal, while all along they have colluded to make the Republican Party a sodomite organization from the top down. That's the theme of the latest, incendiary book by Alan Stang, who says Republican leaders are using homosexuality to terrify critics into silence, so they can bring the United States to its knees.The book is Not Holier Than Thou: How Queer Is Bush, which includes a "Special Section on Dick's Dykes," a revelation available nowhere else of how Mary Cheney, the most famous lesbian in the United States, got to be what she is. Stang says the trouble could have started with Mamma Lynne's lesbian novel, Sisters. "And where was Dick when this cloaca of lesbianism was befouling the family hearth?" Stang asks.
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Happy Valentines to all my Men-Friends in Europe and USA!
Here's a treat from Westlife, my favorite band, with a lot of GAY Mark Feehily, my look-alike-almost-twin, singing a lot!
Westlife - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Live)
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Sunday, February 10, 2008
GAY actor Cary Grant
Handsome Cary Grant
Cary Grant was one of my mother's favorite leading actor. She'd be rolling in her grave if she knew that he was GAY...
Cary Grant born 18 January 1904 (d. 1986)
Archibald Alexander Leach, better known by his screen name, Cary Grant, was an English film actor. With his distinctive mid-Atlantic accent, he was noted as perhaps the foremost exemplar of the debonair leading man, not only handsome, but also witty and charming. He was named the second Greatest Male Star of All Time of American cinema by the American Film Institute.
Grant starred in some of the classic screwball comedies, including The Awful Truth with Irene Dunne (the pivotal film in the establishment of Grant's screen persona), Bringing Up Baby with Katharine Hepburn, His Girl Friday with Rosalind Russell and Arsenic and Old Lace with Priscilla Lane. These performances solidified his appeal, and The Philadelphia Story, with Hepburn and James Stewart, presented his best-known screen role: the charming if sometimes unreliable man
Grant was one of Hollywood's top box-office attractions for several decades. He was a versatile actor, who did demanding physical comedy in movies like Gunga Din with the skills he had learned on the stage.
In the mid-1950s, Grant formed his own production company and produced a number of movies distributed by Universal, such as Operation Petticoat, Indiscreet, That Touch of Mink (co-starring Doris Day), and Father Goose.
Grant's personal life was complicated, involving five marriages and speculation about his sexuality.
In 1932 he met fellow actor Randolph Scott on set, and the two shared a rented beach house (known as 'Bachelor Hall') on and off for twelve years. Rumours ran rampant at the time that Grant and Scott were lovers.
Authors Marc Elliot, Charles Higham and Roy Moseley consider Grant to have been bisexual, with Higham and Moseley claiming that Grant and Scott were seen kissing in a public car park outside a social function both attended in the 1960s. In his book, Hollywood Gays, Boze Hadleigh cites an interview with director George Cukor, who said about the alleged homosexual relationship between Scott and Grant: 'Oh, Cary won't talk about it. At most, he'll say they did some wonderful pictures together. But Randolph will admit it – to a friend.'
According to screenwriter Arthur Laurents, Grant was 'at best bisexual'. William J. Mann's book Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood, 1910-1969 recounts how photographer Jerome Zerbe spent 'three gay months' (his words) in the movie colony taking many photographs of Grant and Scott, 'attesting to their involvement in the gay scene'. Zerbe says that he often stayed with the two actors, 'finding them both warm, charming, and happy.' In addition, Darwin Porter's book, Brando Unzipped (2006) claims that Grant had a homosexual affair with Marlon Brando.
Many writers seem to have no doubt about the actor's bisexuality; Grant, however, did not identify himself as such. He had many gay friends, including Cukor, William Haines, and Australian artist and costume designer Orry-Kelly, but he is not alleged to have had relationships with them, well, with Haines, at least.
Wives of Cary Grant
Grant's third wife was actress and writer Betsy Drake. This was his longest marriage (1949 - 1962). In a 2004 interview for the Turner Classic Movies production, Cary Grant: A Class Apart, Drake mocked rumors of Grant's homosexuality. 'I didn't have time to think about his homosexuality,' she says, 'we were too busy fucking.'
His fourth marriage, to actress Dyan Cannon, on July 22, 1965, in Las Vegas, resulted in the birth of his only child, Jennifer, when he was 62. The marriage was troubled from the beginning (Grant was 61 and Cannon was 28), and they separated within 18 months, with Cannon claiming that Grant spanked her for disobeying him. The divorce, finalised on May 28, 1967, was bitter and messy, and the custody disputes over their daughter went on for years.
Grant married British hotel PR agent Barbara Harris (47 years his junior), on April 11, 1981, a marriage which lasted until his death.
More on Cary Grant
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
GAY aviator Howard Hughes & lover Cary Grant
A scandalous bio of Howard Hughes looks set to bring The Aviator down to earth.
Capitalizing on the success of Martin Scorcese's movie, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Hughes, and is nominated for BEST PICTURE at tonight's Academy Awards, author Darwin Porter presents new allegations about the billionaire's shady dealings with some of the biggest names of the 20th century.
Porter adds some baroque touches to the rumors of Hughes's bisexuality, claiming that he bedded leading men James Dean, Randolph Scott, and Cary Grant. And he allegedly paid a million dollars in hush money after being arrested with a male prostitute in the 1950s.
Porter also says Hughes directed a then-unknown Marilyn Monroe in a lost "blue movie" in 1949. (And apparently, he gave Lana Turner syphilis for good measure.)
Hughes led a life of almost unprecedented debauchery, at least for his era. This biography documents that corruption and the A-list legends who collaborated. Hughes’s sexual and emotional odyssey is described frankly and even graphically, without apologies to the faint of heart. Throughout the unimaginable changes that affected America between Hughes’s birth in 1905 and the sinister circumstances of his death in 1976, this biography gives an insider’s perspective about what money can buy--and what it can’t.
Hughes emerges as the century’s greatest Lothario, with origins that included a devouring and incestuous mother, an indulgent but absent father, and seductions of the greatest all-star cast of lovers--male and female--ever assembled in a single lifetime.
Hughes feverishly seduced some of the world’s greatest women, but in this epic biography, he is also dragged kicking and screaming out of the closet. As his pimp, Johnny Meyer, once said: “Bossman was an equal opportunity seducer. The gender of his victim didn’t matter. He had just one requirement: Beauty.”
Thanks in part to these revelations, the canon of Hollywood legend will never be the same. The author’s rundown on the relationship of Hughes with Cary Grant, Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Bette Davis, and Katharine Hepburn challenges virtually erything that has ever been filmed or written about those famous figures.
Howard Hughes: Hell's Angel
by Darwin Porter
ISBN 0-9748118-1-5
814 pages plus and index and 175 vintage photos. $26.95
Copyright 2005
Blood Moon Productions
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Monday, February 04, 2008
NY GAY Priest is "out"...defrocked
New York Post
February 4, 2008 -- A popular Catholic chaplain at SUNY Maritime College in The Bronx has been fired and barred from acting as a priest after The Post told church officials that he has lived with another man in a pricey Manhattan one- bedroom apartment for years.
The Rev. Michael Moynihan's suspension as a cleric late last week comes a year after he resigned as the beloved pastor of a ritzy Connecticut parish amid a financial scandal there.
And it came after his Bridgeport [Conn.] Diocese bosses - who earlier caught Moynihan lying about the existence of secret bank accounts at his former parish - learned that the dapper, white-haired cleric misled them about living with a man in Midtown.
That roommate - a handsome television actor and singer named Michael Fawcett - for years was the children's choir director at Moynihan's ex-parish, St. Michael the Archangel in Greenwich, Conn.
That roommate - a handsome television actor and singer named Michael Fawcett
Moynihan, 55, now is not allowed to wear clerical garb, perform Roman Catholic church sacraments other than saying Mass for himself, or otherwise publicly act as a priest.
He resigned as St. Michael's pastor in January 2007, much to the dismay of many parishioners, after a probe found he had spent more than $500,000 in church funds from two secret bank accounts he had set up without being able to properly document the expenditures.
Despite losing his Connecticut job, Moynihan for the past year remained a priest in good standing and continued working as the longtime chaplain at SUNY Maritime College, a staterun school in the Throgs Neck section of The Bronx.
But that ended last week, when The Post told a spokesman for the Bridgeport Diocese that the priest's landlord had confirmed that Moynihan lived with Fawcett, 53, in a rented co-op unit at 300 E. 40th St. "Moynihan has lived with Fawcett for about a decade in the one-bedroom apartment, which rents for an estimated $3,000 to $4,000 per month, according to commercial database records.
On Friday, the Bridgeport Diocese issued a statement saying that prior to the financial scandal at St. Michael the Archangel, allegations had been made that Moynihan had "an improper relationship with" Fawcett, which "were vigorously denied by Father Moynihan and could not be substantiated.
"Nonetheless, Father Moynihan was asked to end all affiliation with [Fawcett] to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, so as not to undermine the church's mission," the diocese said.
Moynihan did not return requests for comment. "I don't have any comment," said Fawcett, who has appeared on an episode of "Law and Order."
See photos here
Benedict XVI lives with his GAY "private" secretary -- they should defrock themselves first like what they did with Fr. Moynihan instead of imposing a double standard in the Catholic Church.
USA Bishops against same-sex marriage
Benedict XVI the worst anti-GAY leader
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Monday, February 04, 2008
Inland GAY Catholics struggle with church teachings
Inland gay Catholics struggle to reconcile church teachings, their sexuality
Download story podcast
10:00 PM PST on Sunday, February 3, 2008
By David Olson
The Press-Enterprise
After Mike Neto came out as gay more than 25 years ago, he couldn't find a way to reconcile his sexual orientation with his Catholicism.
So the Palm Springs man searched for an alternative. He tried Christian Science, the gay-oriented Metropolitan Community Church and nondenominational Protestant churches that had liberal teachings on homosexuality. But he never felt comfortable.
His spiritual journey ended where it began. Neto, 59, again calls himself a Catholic.
"I was baptized Catholic, and I feel I'll always be Catholic," he said. "I still feel the Holy Spirit."
Neto's internal conflict is not unique. It is one familiar to many Inland gays and lesbians who were raised as Catholics and later found themselves pulled in two directions by their sexuality and their religion, which teaches that homosexual activity is a sin.
Neto's solution was to reject church teaching on homosexuality and to join Dignity, a nationwide group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics that sponsors Masses outside the Vatican's authority. The group has a growing chapter in Palm Springs.
Many gays remain within the Catholic Church itself, some attending a monthly Mass that the San Bernardino Diocese sponsors for gay Catholics and their families and friends. Others leave the church for liberal Protestant denominations. One man worships in a chapel he built in a shed behind his San Bernardino home.
Although they reach different destinations, many start on the same path: experiencing years of guilt and self-hatred that tear them apart and a feeling of being shunned by the church they love.
Bill LaMarche, a co-founder of Dignity Palm Springs, says the Vatican treats gay people as second-class citizens.
Read full article and see photos here.
Link: Benedict XVI The Worst Opponent of Same-Sex Marriage
Posted by
Charles, nyc
Monday, February 04, 2008